Your Easy Guide On How To Decorate A Nursery

Decorating a nursery, especially if it’s your first baby, can feel a little overwhelming. You’re not alone. You probably want to get everything perfect for your baby’s arrival but you might not have a lot of interior design experience. When you need tips on how to decorate a nursery without too much hassle, we can help. We’ve compiled a step-by-step guide to help you decorate your nursery so that you can relax and take it one step at a time.

Relax a little bit and let us help you simplify the process so that you can have an adorable little nesting ground for your new baby.

How To Decorate A Nursery With Stunning Canvas Prints

There are so many ways to decorate your nursery. Are you browsing Pinterest and feeling overwhelmed? We get it! A great way to decorate is with affordable and easy to order canvas art. Let’s walk through a step by step list on where to start to ease a little bit of your worry.

Start By Gathering Inspiration

We already mentioned Pinterest, and how it can make us feel a little overwhelmed, but it really is a great place to look for nursery inspiration. You can start by focusing on broad concepts, like themes and style, or even color. Don’t forget to save a few of those super cute details you can’t stop looking at too! Sometimes a simple pin like a piece of wallpaper you love or even a set of curtains can be the inspiration point that your whole nursery is designed around.

When you start to focus on one specific decorating style or theme, this is the quickest way to start to narrow down your design choices and help you make the rest of the decisions like paint color or furniture choices.

Pick A Color Scheme and Focal Point

The next step is to pick a color scheme and a focal point. Which is easier said than done! Look back at all of your inspirational images and when it doubt, keep things neutral. Browse some of the latest color trends on the market and see what makes you the calmest. You want your nursery to be calm and soothing. If you find a particular color to help keep you calm, chances are, your baby will too.

One of the pro tips that we will share with you is to not buy paint color first. Selecting your basic color scheme is good, but committing to a paint color too early could be a costly mistake. Save your hardware store trip until the end.

Take a minute and imagine your nursery as a blank canvas. What’s at the center of this baby themed composition? Every good design needs a focal point – a specific point of the room that serves as the anchor of your design. Maybe for you, it’s an accent wall. Maybe it’s a cluster of windows in your nursery. Or it might even be the crib itself with a stunning piece of art hanging on the wall above.

Choosing a focal point will create a point of interest and then everything else in terms of how to decorate a nursery will fall into place after that.

Get All Your Must-Haves First

When moms start to prepare their nursery, they are nesting. You are so excited to bring your little one home and give them a space of their own. When you’re ready to start shopping, get all of the essentials first. Start with a crib and any other bulky furniture items. You’ll want a changing table and most likely a rocker to soothe your baby on those late nights. Buying furniture first gives you a better idea of how to actually arrange your nursery.

Once everything is in place, then you can look at your walls and floor space and see what other things will fit in the room. Laying out the bones of the nursery might be exactly what you need to be able to make those decorating decisions so you know where else in the room you can draw focus and what else needs to be bought.

Another pro tip we have for you is that your nursery furniture doesn’t have to be too matchy-matchy. In fact, a well-coordinated collection of mismatched furniture might the whole room feel more interesting and cozy.

Get The Textures and Decorations Before You Paint!

Like we mentioned above, the golden rule of decorating is to get everything else BEFORE you buy paint. Choose all of your furnishings before you buy any gallon of paint. Find your bedding and curtains and wall decorations first and then you can perfectly match your paint color to the selections you’ve chosen. There are a million paint colors out there, but only a limited selection of nursery items in your area, so don’t limit or frustrate yourself by buying paint first. The same rule applies when getting wallpaper. Make sure you choose the perfect print and then buy paint color that matches your paper print.

Once you have all of your furnishings and wallpaper chose, then it is finally time to paint! Clear everything out (take a picture of your perfect layout first!) and then cover anything that needs to. We know it’s exciting, and you’re probably eager to get in the room to hang things, but make sure you let your room air out for a few days. Then clean the room from top to bottom before moving everything into place.

Canvas Is Your Best Friend

Once the paint and wallpaper are on the wall and the furniture is set into place, now is the time to go crazy with art and little decorations. Remember, you’ll be getting a lot of the little stuff at the baby shower, so make sure you’ve planned for cubby or closet space for all the little things that will get collected for your new baby.

The fun part comes with ordering unique and special art for your nursery walls. We think that Canvas art is going to be your best friend when it comes to decorating. It’s lightweight, easy to hang, and affordable to order. Plus you can quickly and easily design custom prints that will go perfectly in your newly designed room.

Maybe you’ve picked out your child’s name and want to display it big and bold. Maybe you have a theme in mind but can’t find the right print to match. Design your own and print a series of prints that are unique to you and your nursery. That way you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’re getting exactly what you want and no one else will have it!

Ready to order some canvas art for your nursery? Get started here.