The Best Ways to Soo the Chesty Coughs in Children

You’re probably wondering how coughing can leave your child with a sore throat and difficulty breathing. Chest coughs, or croup, can be serious and can affect breathing. While chest cough is common in young children, coughing that doesn’t improve over several weeks may be a sign of something more serious.

There’s no single solution for coughs, but there are remedies that are safe for children to try at home. Some of the toddler cough remedies include humidifiers and vaporizers, honey and herbal teas, saline nasal sprays and gargles, and over-the-counter medications. Besides easing your child’s cough symptoms, these remedies help strengthen their immune system and promote overall good health.

Natural Home Remedies for Chesty Coughs

– Honey can be a great home remedy for chesty coughs in kids over the age of one.

– It can reduce coughing symptoms and help soothe sore throat and coughing fits.

– Placebos can be more effective than no treatment for coughs.

– You can use honey as a cough suppressant if your child is unable to take medications. It is safe and effective, but you should only use it as a last resort due to the sugar content.

– Other natural home remedies include herbal teas, warm saltwater gargles, and steam inhalation. These remedies can provide relief from sore throat, cough, and mucus production, but they shouldn’t replace the use of prescribed medications.

– Finally, make sure your child gets adequate rest to recover from chesty coughs as quickly as possible.

What is a Chesty Cough?

A chesty cough is one that produces mucus and may cause feelings of congestion in the chest. It is often accompanied by wheezing when breathing in. A chesty cough is different from a typical viral cough, which gets worse at bedtime but clears up after a while. A chesty cough can be caused by an infection of the airways called RSV, an asthma attack, or a common cold. In babies, it can be caused by an infection of the airways called croup, or by a throat irritation (such as from coughing or eating). In older children, it can be a symptom of asthma.

As you can see, a chesty cough can be caused by many common conditions and can be a nuisance to deal with. However, there are few coughs syrup like Mucosolvan syrup 30mg that gives fast cough relief within 30 mins. For child’s chesty cough without needing to visit the doctor. You can opt for remedies such as humidifier usage, saline nasal drops/nasal sprays, warm mist humidifier usage, cough medicine usage, and herbal remedies such as ginger tea and honey if necessary.

Honey and Herbal Teas

– Honey may be a home remedy for children suffering from chesty coughs that is effective in reducing nighttime coughing and improving sleep.

– However, parents should be aware of the risks of using honey for children younger than 1 year as it may cause infant botulism.

– Herbal teas, such as chamomile, can help soothe and calm children with chesty coughs. These remedies are beneficial in soothing sore throat and mucus buildup.

– Parents should not use honey as a substitute for warm water to soothe a sore throat or mucus. Instead, use warm water to alleviate symptoms.

– Another home remedy for children with chesty coughs is to use humidifier mist or saline drops in the nose. These remedies can provide relief from coughing and nasal congestion.

– Additionally, over-the-counter cough or cold medicines should not be given to young children as they can be detrimental to their health. Instead, parents should treat their child’s symptoms with warm water and simple remedies until their child is healthy again.

Salt Water Gargles and Nasal Sprays

– Salt water gargles can help soothe a scratchy throat and reduce coughing symptoms in children. Salt water gargles can be made by mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water.

– Dissolve the salt in the water and use it as a Gargle to gently wash your child’s mouth and throat. This will help to provide relief from sore throat and coughing.

– Nasal sprays can also help to reduce nasal congestion and loosen chest congestion. You can find saline nose drops at your local pharmacy, or you can make your own saline nasal mist using one part water and two parts saline solution.

– Have your child blow their nose or use a bulb syringe to suction out excess liquid from the nose. This will help to clear mucus that may be causing throat irritation and coughing.

– Lastly, having your child keep warm and avoid overexerting themselves can also help reduce coughing symptoms.

Over-the-Counter Medications

-Children under 6 should not take over-the-counter cough medications, as advised by GPs and pharmacists.

-Cough syrup like Mucosolvan can help children aged 5+ to temporarily soothe sore throats and reduce coughing from colds.

-Other common remedies for chesty cough include warm water, honey, and lemon juice.

-If your child is coughing for more than 24 hours, it’s best to seek medical advice as chest infections can be serious. If a chest infection does develop, your child will usually need to take antibiotics for the course of the illness.

When to See Your Doctor

– If you notice that your child is coughing, it’s important to call your doctor right away. A chesty cough can be a sign of a serious medical condition, and may require medical attention.

– If your child has a chesty cough, it’s important to treat the cough with an approved cough medicine as directed by your doctor. Keep your child hydrated and warm, and follow any other recommendations for your child’s age, such as getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy meals.

– Additionally, if your child experiences difficulty breathing or wheezing while coughing, seek medical care right away. This could be a sign of a more serious medical condition, such as asthma or pneumonia.


Chest congestion is no joke. If you’re coughing up mucus and congestion, it’s time to visit a physician. While these remedies will help ease your congestion, they don’t work as well as visiting the doctor or going to an allergist who can determine the cause of your cough. However, they’re still a good place to start. A chesty cough isn’t something you should try to treat on your own. If you have any other remedies that work for chest congestion, share them with us in the comments section below.