Ways to Build Credibility Through Your Website

A credible website is one where visitors move forward and buy from you or contact you. Credibility implies trust in your products and services. It also implies that you have the required expertise to offer quality products and/or services. It is important for a visitor to your website to trust your products and services. Only then will he/she take the next positive step.

In fact, ensuring your website is or will be credible, is key to include in your business planning. In fact, if you were to find the best business plan template you would see it includes a section for documenting your plan to build credibility to enhance your brand, sales and profits.

Credibility can be of different types. It could be that visitors to your website are ready to place their trust in your products/services. Or, they may believe that your website is like a Doe website, an authoritative source of information. A well-made website also reinforces the belief that your website is professional and therefore, credible. Finally, if a visitor returns to visit your website, it shows that your website has something positive to offer.

Here are some ways to build your site’s credibility:

  1. Make your Website More Appealing – The first thing you need to do is ensure that your website appeals to visitors. According to studies on credibility, seventy percent of visitors won’t buy your products and/or services if your website is poorly designed.
  2. Display Your Physical Address – Make your website more credible by providing the physical address of your business. This shows that your business is real. Customers need the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are dealing with a real business.
  3. Display your Phone Number Prominently – Highlight your telephone number, and display it prominently on your website. This shows the customer that you are waiting to hear from them.
  4. Display Testimonials – Display testimonials from past clients prominently on your website. Research shows that eighty-eight percent of customers trust a website that has online reviews. These reviews will make your visitors trust your business.
  5. Publish Your Privacy Policy/Terms of Use – When you publish your privacy policy and terms of use, you are showing your customers that you run your business in a transparent manner. A good place to put these vital pieces of information is on the footer of your website.
  6. Show Your Professional Affiliations – If your business is part of a professional organization, you should highlight this because it tells your customers that your business is aligned with well-respected brands. This serves a dual purpose – it boosts your reputation while fostering trust and building your website’s credibility.
  7. Highlight your Social Media Activities – An online business that is active on social media is also going to gain the trust of its visitors. So, make sure you display your social media activities on the website to show how many followers your business has. This is a powerful way to help create immediate trust and credibility.
  8. Update Your Website Content – It is also a good idea to ensure that the content of your website is periodically updated. Showing promotions from the past or an event date helps your visitors find information that is relevant and useful.
  9. Website Should Load Quickly – Another important way of building the credibility of your website is by ensuring your website loads quickly. Did you know that forty-seven percent of people leave websites that take too long to load? Ideally, you should ensure that your website loads in under 2 seconds. 

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The bottom line is you can easily improve your website’s credibility by addressing elements that your visitors interpret in a more favorable light. 

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