Managing Relationships and Mental Health

True love is unconditional — so they say. But is it possible to marry a relationship with mental health? Well, if you’re a kind and compassionate person, managing relationships and mental health shouldn’t be a deal-breaker. After all, patience moves mountains.

Depression and anxiety are common mental health issues that threaten relationships today.

As long as you are human, it’s pretty normal to experience negative emotions — at least once in a while.

Since there’s no such thing as a 100% mentally healthy person, psychologists agree that each of us has a level of madness that’s innate to us. For instance, statistical studies have shown that virtually half of all the adult population experiences mental health problems at some point.

Nevertheless, responsible couples can rise above any mental health challenges and forge ahead with their relationship. In a committed relationship, it’s unwise to hurt the feelings of your soulmate if you care about their mental health.

Instead of running away and shirking your responsibilities, be there for your partner and help them to navigate through the rocky times. Fail to do so and you may end up worsening their condition.

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How Mental Health Can Ruin a Happy Relationship.

·       Low Self-Esteem

In many cultures, mentally ill people suffer name-calling at the hands of the ignorant. The stigma can hit mentally ill people hard and they may lose their self-esteem. Eventually, shame and resentment will drain any happiness they have, and create more trouble for both partners.

At that point, things can get out of hand if not taken care of.  The healthy partner may follow suit and even become more vulnerable to depression and anxiety. In the long run, a once happy relationship may fall apart as a result of mental health illnesses.

·       Decreased Intimacy

A working romantic relationship is built around intimacy. Being in a love affair with a mentally unstable person can become a nightmare as any mutual affection drains away.

When mental health issues drive away the good old days of endearment, either partner may lose sight of the other’s beauty. Depression and anxiety can significantly decrease the sex drives of both partners.

Consequently, decreased libido characterized by sexual non-performance can end up damaging the relationship.

But how? It seems impossible to keep loving someone when you are no longer attracted to them.

·       Codependency

In a mentally-challenged relationship, there is a higher likelihood of partners developing codependent behaviors. These are unhealthy lifestyles that may be experienced by people who are assisting their mentally ill lovers to cope with their conditions.

In a worst-case scenario, codependency may give birth to one partner becoming abusive.

How to Manage Relationships with Mental Health Problems

Unity is strength. Besides, life is not full of roses. Mental health conditions are part of the trials and tribulations that beset many relationships before they work things out.

Instead of calling it quits with your mentally unstable partner, be ready to weather the storm. The following methods can help you to sustain a relationship that’s struck by mental health problems.

·       Be with a kind partner

If your mental health is not good enough, you don’t want to date someone who is going through similar emotional struggles. Such a relationship will be highly incompatible.

Instead, find a kind-hearted person who will empathize with you; not a heartless gangster who’s carefree.

·       Open up about your condition

A problem shared is a problem halved. Instead of hiding your mental condition, voice it out to see if people can help you.

·       Limit your work activities

Overworking yourself can worsen your mental health. If you do, the stress will trigger other bad feelings.

·       Don’t Burden Your Partner

A responsible partner will naturally stand with you through tough times. But if you use your mental condition as a yardstick to curtail your partner’s freedom, it may not work out well.

Give your partner space to enjoy a night out, even if you lack the motivation to join them.

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